Terms & Conditios

1. The candidate has to pay the first instalment and Reg.Fee at the time of admission.After only his/her admission will be confirmed.

2.The fee once paid is neither refundable nor transferable under any circumstances.

3. Student are required to pay the iunstalment within specified data otherwisw he/she will be liable to pay finr of Rs. 50/- up to 5 days of instalment specified date.

4. if a student fails to pay the fee within 5 days of specified date his /her registration will be cancelled.

5. Student willing to rejoin the institute have to pay the due instalment and re-reghistration charges,i.e. Rs. 300/-

6. Student going on leave must obtain prior permission otherwise after four days of leave he/she has to pay re registration charges.Student going on break must obtain their break from from office.

7. In case of any transfer from one branch to another after completion of semester the student will havce to deposit Rs.500/- in case of mid-semester.

8. Smoking,eating,chewingtabacco/masala etc. are strictly prohibited inside the permises.

9. Any student found guilty of misbehaving,violating the instructions,may be fined,suspended or terminated from the institution without prior notics.

10. The management may amend or vhange any of the given rules from time to time if required.

11. Student are not allowed to bring any mobile & valuable Articles.

12. Student are not permitted to play computer games during lab.

13. Telephones at Data Zone are meant only for offical purpose /& not for personal use,in case of emergency only.Incoming cales will be entertained bt permission,however the facility can't claimed as matter of right.

14. A student must carry his/her card while attending classes at Data Znoe and produce it on demand.

15. DSata Zone does not provide any job guarantee or assurance of any course.

16. The institute wil not be responsible gfor any loss of belonging left at its premises.

17. All the student are required to pay their examination fee as applicable.

18.Booking for extra time on computer can only br given on availability of computer & faculty.

19. Certificate will be issued only after qualifying the final examination procedure of the institute.Any student can not make any claim on any ground against institute.

20. Institute is not liable for any delay in course during due to any reason.

21. Management's Decision will be final & binding on all students.

22.Once the admission done,the student can not degrade his/her course.

23. In case of certificate/Examinatuion from other sources ( Govt. or Pvt.), any delay due to any reason is not responsibility of Institute.

24.Student accompanied by visitor will not be allowed in the class room or lab.